Hiring Managers…

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Add your job to the featured section of Nick’s weekly LinkedIn NickatNoon Jobs roundup that goes out to Nick’s 150,000 followers.

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Schedule time to review candidates in Nick’s talent network and broader LinkedIn network. Team will produce a list of potential candidates and make intros.

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Hiring for multiple positions? Have an offering or service you want to promote? Nick does 1 of these a month. Inquire below.




“Nick's social impact job postings were the highlight of my week while I was job searching. I got laid off due to COVID and had a chance to think critically about what I wanted in my next role.

Nick's posts not only helped me land my dream job at GlobalGiving, but also gave me a much deeper understanding of the expansiveness of the social impact space, allowing me to hone in on what would feel personally meaningful.

I can't recommend following him enough!”

- Nikki Rose, Business Partnerships Associate at GlobalGiving

What jobseekers are saying…